About This Meeting
The South Pender Local Trust Committee has scheduled this regular meeting to be conducted entirely by means of electronic or other communication facilities due to the current health and safety warnings occurring as a result of the recent omicron variant of Covid-19. The public is encouraged to attend electronically.
The public is still welcome to attend a video presentation of the meeting in person at the Islands Trust Office at 200, 1627 Fort Street, Victoria BC. All people 12 years and older are required to wear masks in indoor public settings, including all Islands Trust meetings. Proof of vaccination does not apply to Islands Trust meeting attendees.
Attend: click to join the webinar as an attendee, where you can participate in townhall or speak to your application.
Watch Live: click to live stream during the meeting.
Listen in or attend by phone: 833-958-1164 or 833-955-1088 (Toll Free)
(*9 to raise your hand during the townhall & *6 to unmute)
Webinar ID: 669 5726 1941