Islands Trust Conservancy’s Gathering for Species At Risk Workshop

Species-at-Risk Program Coordinator Wendy Tyrrell helped organize the ITC Species Gathering on March 17, 2022. The full day virtual event brought more than 60 individuals from across the islands together to discuss the issues around addressing species and ecosystems at risk from extinction in the Salish Sea.

The day featured a keynote presentation from Ruth Simons of the Howe Sound Biosphere project and presentations on eco-cultural restoration initiatives, new techniques for monitoring species at risk (like e-DNA sampling) and landscape-level collaboration.

Feedback from this group is being used to inform a speaker webinar series and future gatherings (e.g. site tours) to help enhance partnerships for on the ground actions for species/ecosystems at risk and culturally significant species and ecosystems on islands in the Salish Sea.

Participants can now download the SAR Workshop Summary package and view recordings of presentations.

For those who missed out on the day we were tweeting highlights and learnings from the ITC Twitter handle @IslTrustConserv – Check out our tweets here;

Remember to use the hashtag #SalishSpeciesAtRisk for your projects and events so we can all spread the word on the amazing work being done to restore and protect species and ecosystem at risk.

Watch the recordings from the day below:

Morning/Keynote Presentations

Session B: Cultural Species of Significance &  Ecocultural Restoration Presentations