Wildfires have become more frequent and severe, posing a significant risk to our communities, wildlife, and natural habitats. The following list of resources aims to empower residents and visitors alike in wildfire prevention and preparedness, with valuable insights, practical tips, and essential information to build resilient communities and preserve and protect ecosystems in the Trust Area.
The following resources are provided by the Government of British Columbia, regional districts and are specific to islands within the Trust Area.

BC FireSmart
Wildfire is a risk that all British Columbians need to be prepared for. FireSmart BC is an excellent resource with home guides, a one hour course, FireSmart tips, and self-assessment tools.
BC Government
The Government of British Columbia has resources for residents that are areas that are prone to wildfire, or want to be proactive to prevent or prepare for a wildfire. Resources here include resources for preparing your home, camping responsibly, emergency plans, insurance coverage, and preparing your farm or agricultural business.
Capital Regional District (CRD)
The Capital Regional District (CRD) has several resources for residents to prepare themselves for wildfire.
- Prepare for wildfire
- Fire and emergency programs
- Wildfire exposure maps for Salt Spring Island and Southern Gulf Islands
- Evacuation guides for Salt Spring Island
- Evacuation guides for Southern Gulf Islands
- Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan for the Southern Gulf Islands
- Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan for Salt Spring Island
Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD)
The Capital Regional District (CRD) has several resources for residents to prepare themselves for wildfire.
Cowichan Valley Regional District (CVRD)
Sunshine Coast Regional District
There are four fire departments which fall under the umbrella of the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD).
qathet Regional District (CVRD)
qathet Regional District operates four volunteer fire departments made up of a committed group of people who volunteer their time and energy to help protect our communities.
Islands Trust Area
- Coastal Douglas Fir & Associated Ecosystem Conservation Partnership
- Fire Risk Reduction in the Coastal Douglas-fir Biogeoclimatic Zone – webinar (5 hours & 3 minutes)
- Fundamentals of Wildland Fire Ecology and Management
- Forest and Fire Management in BC: Toward Landscape Resilience
- Harden Your Home: National Interagency Fire Centre – video (2 minutes)
- Reducing fire and drought risk – webinar (1 hour & 29 minutes)
Bowen Island
Bowen Island Municipality and its Bowen Island Fire Rescue is committed to providing professional and effective services to all residents and visitors through a number of services.
Denman Island Local Trust Area
Denman Island Volunteer Fire Department: 250-335-0345
Wildfire reporting: 1-800-663-5555
Ambulance, Fire, Police: 911
Gabriola Island Local Trust Area
Gabriola Volunteer Fire Department: 250-247-9677
Wildfire reporting: 1-800-663-5555
Ambulance, fire, police: 911
Galiano Island Local Trust Area
South Galiano Volunteer Fire Department: 250-539-2131
North Galiano Volunteer Fire Department: 250-539-5453
Wildfire reporting: 1-800-663-5555
Ambulance, fire, police: 911
Gambier Island Local Trust Area
Gambier Fire Equipment Group: 604-916-0531
Wildfire reporting: 1-800-663-5555
Ambulance, fire, police: 911
The Gambier Fire Equipment Group was established with financial support from members of the community, grants from the Sunshine Coast Regional District, and the Gambier Island Community Association. It has made fire-fighting equipment and demonstrations and practice sessions available to community members.
Hornby Island Local Trust Area
Hornby Island Fire Rescue: 250-335-1842
Wildfire reporting: 1-800-663-5555
Ambulance, fire, police: 911
Lasqueti Island Local Trust Area
Wildfire Reporting: 1-800-663-5555
Ambulance, Fire, Police: 250-954-4432
Mayne Island Local Trust Area
Mayne Island Fire Rescue: 250-539-5156
Wildfire reporting: 1-800-663-5555
Ambulance, fire, police: 911
North Pender Island Local Trust Area
Pender Island Fire Rescue: 250-629-3321
Wildfire reporting: 1-800-663-5555
Ambulance, fire, police: 911
- Pender Island Wildfire Exposure Map – CRD
- Pender Island Emergency Program
- Evacuation guides for Southern Gulf Islands
- Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan for the Southern Gulf Islands – At a Glance
- Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan for the Southern Gulf Islands – Full Report
- Southern Gulf Island Emergency Plan
Salt Spring Island Local Trust Area
Salt Spring Island Fire Rescue: 250-537-2531
Wildfire reporting: 1-800-663-5555
Ambulance, fire, police 911
- Salt Spring Island Wildfire Exposure map – CRD
- Salt Spring Island Emergency Plan
- Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan for Salt Spring Island – At a Glance
- Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan for Salt Spring Island – Full Report
- Evacuation guides for Salt Spring Island
- Wildfire exposure maps for Salt Spring Island and Southern Gulf Islands
Saturna Island Local Trust Area
Saturna Island Fire Protection Society: info@sifps.ca
Wildfire reporting: 1-800-663-5555
Ambulance, fire, police: 911
South Pender Island Local Trust Area
Pender Island Fire Rescue: 250-629-3321
Wildfire reporting: 1-800-663-5555
Ambulance, fire, police: 911
- Pender Island Wildfire Exposure Map – CRD
- Pender Island Emergency Program
- Evacuation guides for Southern Gulf Islands
- Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan for the Southern Gulf Islands – At a Glance
- Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan for the Southern Gulf Islands – Full Report
- Southern Gulf Island Emergency Plan
Thetis Island Local Trust Area
Thetis Island Volunteer Fire Department: 250-246-4834
Wildfire Reporting: 1-800-663-5555
Ambulance, Fire, Police: 911
Thetis Island Improvement district VFD: 250-246-4834