With your support, we’ve helped protect over 19% of the Islands Trust Area. This success is thanks to the vision and generosity of landowners, donors, and partners. None of this would be possible without your community expertise to inform the long-term vision for local nature reserve and covenant management, your hands-on support to revitalize wetlands, or your efforts to build conservation awareness in your own backyards. Together we can do more.

Conserve Land
To preserve and protect the natural values of your land forever, consider protecting nature by donating/transferring land or placing a conservation covenant on the property. Learn more.
Give Back to the Islands You Love
You love the irreplaceable landscapes that make up the Islands Trust Area. Leave a gift in your Will to give back to the islands you love. Learn more.
Other Ways to Give
Sometimes the best thing you can do is give your time. On the islands, local conservation groups are always looking for volunteers. Learn more.