The Islands Trust Policy Statement shapes land use planning across the Islands Trust Area, but the current version has not been meaningfully updated since 1994. A lot has changed over the past 30 years.
In 2019, Islands Trust launched the Policy Statement Amendment Project (Islands 2050) to update the Islands Trust Policy Statement to adapt to current and future challenges and opportunities, and to reflect its commitments related to Reconciliation, climate change, and affordable housing.
This Policy Statement Amendment Project involves engaging First Nation governments, partner agencies, and the public, who each have important roles to play in preserving and protecting this special region for current and future generations.
Frequently Asked Questions
Visit the Islands 2050 Frequently Asked Questions page for answers to frequently asked questions about the Islands Trust Policy Statement Amendment Project and its process.
January 2025: Trustees considered the updated draft Policy Statement and discussed next steps at a Committee of the Whole meeting on January 8. More about this meeting here.
December 2024: At its meeting of December 4, Islands Trust Council considered the fiscal 2025/26 project budget for the Policy Statement Amendment Project and is recommending a budget of $53,500. This budget will allow for a range of communications and engagement approaches, including an Trust-wide mail-out. Trust Council also endorsed an updated project charter for the Policy Statement Amendment Project, which is available under “About the Project” in the Project Library and here. The updated project charter shortens the project timeline by replacing approval-in-principle of the document with first reading, and undertaking local engagement and agency and Indigenous Governing Body referrals concurrently, starting in July 2025.
November 2024: Trustees considered the updated draft Policy Statement and discussed next steps at a Committee of the Whole meeting on November 6. More about this meeting here.
October 2024: Trustees considered the updated draft Policy Statement and discussed next steps at a Committee of the Whole meeting on October 3. More about this meeting here.
September 2024: At its meeting of September 25, Islands Trust Council endorsed revisions to the draft new Policy Statement to address issues related to Islands Trust jurisdiction and the clarity of the document. The updated draft new Policy Statement is available under “Policy Statement Drafts” in the Project Library below. Trust Council also endorsed an updated project charter for the Policy Statement Amendment Project, which is available under “About the Project” in the Project Library and here.
August 2024: Trustees considered the updated draft Policy Statement and discussed next steps at a Committee of the Whole meeting on August 22. More about this meeting here.
July 2024: Trustees considered the updated draft Policy Statement and discussed next steps at a Committee of the Whole meeting on July 8. More about this meeting here.
May 2024: Trustees considered an updated draft Policy Statement at a Committee of the Whole meeting on May 30th. More about this meeting here.
February 2024: In line with Trust Council’s Reconciliation Declaration and its resolutions requesting staff to undertake further work on the Policy Statement Amendment Project , staff continue to work with other agencies and First Nations (as part of First Nations Engagement Phase 3) to receive input on the new draft of the Policy Statement. This work will continue into March.
Planned Next Steps
Spring 2024 to Spring 2025 – Bylaw redrafting, revisions, and First Reading
- Committee of the Whole, Executive Committee and Trust Policy Committee review draft policy statement, propose revisions, culminating in First Reading by Trust Council
Summer 2025 to Winter 2026 – Public Engagement and Agency/Indigenous Governing Body referral
- Local trust committees and Bowen Island Municipality undertake public engagement
- Trust-wide survey
- Virtual community workshop
- Agency/Indigenous Governing Body referrals
Questions? email us: islands2050@islandstrust.bc.ca
*Timelines subject to change
First Nations Engagement
Guided by Trust Council’s 2019 Reconciliation Declaration and Action Plan, Islands Trust has and is continuing to undertake early engagement with First Nation governments in the Trust Area. This work is informed by “Truth Precedes Reconciliation” section (1.1)of the Islands Trust Object: Past, Present, and Future Discussion Paper.
Engagement with First Nations is ongoing and shared with Islands Trust Trustees as it is received.
First Nations Engagement Phase 1
June 2019-May 2021: All First Nations in the Trust Area are invited to engage in the Policy Statement Amendment Project, with First Nations (Cowichan Tribes, Snuneymuxw First Nation, Tla’amin First Nation and the Tseil Waututh First Nation, and the W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership Council) participating. The engagement consisted of a mix of Policy Statement specific meetings and meetings held for other purposes. Trust Council received an engagement status report in July of 2021.
*all related documents can be found in the Project Library below
First Nations Engagement Phase 2
September 2021-June 2022: All First Nations in the Trust Area invited to engage, with six First Nations (Cowichan Tribes, Tla’amin First Nation, K’omoks First Nation, MÁLEXEȽ (Malahat) Nation, Lyackson First Nation, and the Snuneymuxw First Nation), the W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership Council, and the Coast Salish People of Galiano participating. In this phase, Islands Trust provided to, and received feedback on, the first draft of the Policy Statement. Trust Council received an engagement update report in June of 2022 (see documents below).
*all related documents can be found in the Project Library below
First Nations Engagement Phase 3
September 2023-Spring 2024: All First Nations in the Trust Area invited to engage. Phase 3 engagement is currently underway with nine First Nations (Cowichan Tribes, Lyackson First Nation, Halalt First Nation, Penelakut Tribes, K’omoks First Nation, MÁLEXEȽ (Malahat) Nation, Ts’uubaa-asatx First Nation, shíshálh First Nation and the Snaw-naw-as First Nation). In this phase, Islands Trust is receiving feedback on the second draft of the Policy Statement. This input will be brought forward to Trust Council at the same time that the Trust Council receives the second draft for the first time.
*all related documents can be found in the Project Library below
First Nations Future Engagement
Fall 2025-Spring 2026: Phase 4 engagement with First Nations is planned to consist of:
- Fall-Winter 2025: Formal referral of the Policy Statement to all First Nations in the Trust Area
- Spring 2026: Trust Council to receive referral feedback and summary report
- Spring-Winter 2026: Engagement with First Nations continues as needed until adoption of the bylaw
Engagement with First Nations is ongoing and shared with Islands Trust Trustees as it is received.
*Dates are subject to change
Project Library
About the Project
Agency Referrals Phase 1
Agency Referrals Phase 1b
Delegation Presentations
Discussion Paper
First Nations Engagement Phase 1 2019-2021
First Nations Engagement Phase 2 2022
First Nations Engagement Phase 3 2023-2024
Indigenous Community Engagement
News Releases
Policy Statement drafts
Previously Adopted Versions of the Policy Statement
Public Correspondence 2019-2023
Public Correspondence 2024-2025
Public Engagement Phase 1 2019
Public Engagement Phase 2 2021
Public Engagement Phase 3 2022
Public Legal Opinions
Trust Council Resolutions
Trustee Input