Over the past 31 years, Islands Trust Conservancy, together with partnering local conservancies and landowners, has protected land with 34 nature reserves and 79 conservation covenants.
Conservation covenants are legally binding conservation restrictions placed on land voluntarily by land owners – these lands continue to be privately owned and are not open to the public. Nature reserves are properties fully owned by Islands Trust Conservancy.
We welcome visitors and ask that you please tread softly on the land. Visiting is restricted to 20 of the 34 nature reserves on the islands of the Salish Sea.
An interactive map and information about the Islands Trust Conservancy Protected Places is available here.

Below is a list of Islands Trust Conservancy protected places. Links are provided to view nature reserve management plans.
Ballenas-Winchelsea Local Trust Area
- South Winchelsea Island Conservation Covenant
Bowen Island Municipality
- David Otter Nature Reserve
- Fairy Fen Nature Reserve
- McIntyre Conservation Covenant
- Singing Woods Nature Reserve
- Terminal Creek Conservation Covenant
Denman Island Local Trust Area
- Inner Island Nature Reserve
- Lindsay Dickson Nature Reserve
- Morrison Marsh Nature Reserve
- Settlement Lands Conservation Covenant
- Valens Brook Nature Reserve
- Winter Wren Wood Conservation Covenant
Gabriola Island Local Trust Area
- Bachmann NAPTEP Covenant
- Burren’s Acres Nature Reserve
- Coats Millstone Nature Reserve
- Link Island Nature Reserve
- McRae NAPTEP Covenant
- Reid Chapman Conservation Covenant
- Saturnina Island Nature Reserve
- S’ul-hween X’pey (Elder Cedar) Nature Reserve
Galiano Island Local Trust Area
- Barrineau NAPTEP Covenant
- Cable Bay Conservation Covenant
- Finlay Lake Conservation Covenant
- Great Beaver Swamp Conservation Covenant
- Green Frog Farm Conservation Covenant
- Laughlin Lake Nature Reserve and Covenant
- Longini Conservation Covenant
- Retreat Island Conservation Covenant
- Trincomali Nature Sanctuary
- Vanilla Leaf Land Nature Reserve
- Westbourne NAPTEP Covenant
Gambier Island Local Trust Area
- Brigade Bay Bluffs Nature Reserve
- Keats Island – Sandy Beach Nature Reserve
- Long Bay Wetland Nature Reserve
- Mount Artaban Nature Reserve
Hornby Island Local Trust Area
- Fischer Conservation Covenant
- Myra Powers NAPTEP Covenant
Lasqueti Island Local Trust Area
- John Osland Nature Reserve
- Kwel Nature Reserve
- Livingstone Forest NAPTEP Covenant
- Mount Trematon Nature Reserve
- Salish View Nature Reserve
Mayne Island Local Trust Area
North Pender Island Local Trust Area
- Clam Bay Farms Conservation Covenant
- Cottonwood Creek Conservation Covenant
- Dennis Conservation Covenant
- E,HO, (Medicine Beach) Nature Sanctuary
- Frog Song Forest Conservation Covenant
- Garry Oaks NAPTEP Covenant
- Ledingham Conservation Covenant
- Lisa Baile Nature Reserve
- Little D’Arcy Island NAPTEP Covenant
- Nighthawk Hill NAPTEP Covenant
- Oscar’s Landing NAPTEP Covenant
- Sharp-tailed Snake Conservation Covenant
- Stanley Point Conservation Covenants
- Steil’s Woods NAPTEP Covenant
- Wallace Point NAPTEP Covenant
- Woodpecker Forest NAPTEP Covenant
- Woodwinds NAPTEP Covenant
North Pender Island Local Trust Area – Sidney Island
- Burnt Snag Conservation Covenant
- Dragonfly Pond Conservation Covenant
- Kingfisher Pond Conservation Covenant
- Sandbanks Conservation Covenant
- Sunrise Conservation Covenant
- Treetop Conservation Covenant
- Windthrow Conservation Covenant
- Woodpecker Pond Conservation Covenant
Salt Spring Island Local Trust Area
- Arthur Lineham NAPTEP Covenant
- Cyril Cunningham Nature Reserve and Covenant
- Deep Ridge Nature Reserve
- Earl Batista Conservation Covenant
- Frog Haven NAPTEP Covenant
- Goldenback Fern Conservation Covenant
- Isabella Point Covenant
- Keough Conservation Covenant
- Larmour Lands Nature Reserve
- Leader NAPTEP Covenant
- Lot 31 Conservation Covenant
- Lower Mt. Erskine Nature Reserve
- Manzanita Ridge Conservation Covenant
- McFadden Creek Nature Sanctuary
- Moss Mountain NAPTEP Covenant
- Mt. Tuam Conservation Covenant
- My Whim NAPTEP Covenant
- Old Divide NAPTEP Covenant
- Owls Call NAPTEP Covenant
- Polden NAPTEP Covenant
- Richardson NAPTEP Covenant
- Ruby Alton Nature Reserve
- Ruffed Grouse Conservation Covenants
- Scott Conservation Covenant
- Shacum Conservation Covenant
- Skye Larmour NAPTEP Covenant
- Tate Conservation Covenant
- Vogt Conservation Covenant
- Walter Bay NAPTEP Covenant
- Where ere You Walk Conservation Covenant
- Wennanec NAPTEP Covenant
Saturna Island Local Trust Area
- Floating Cattails Marsh Conservation Covenant
- Old Point Farm Conservation Covenant
- Strand-Dohan Conservation Covenant
South Pender Island Local Trust Area
- Brooks Point Conservation Covenant
- Enchanted Forest Conservation Covenant
Thetis Island Local Trust Area
- Fairyslipper Forest Nature Reserve
- Meadow Valley Conservation Covenant
- Moore Hill Nature Reserve