Stewardship Education

Islands Trust and Islands Trust Conservancy offers programming to help the public preserve and protect the islands in the Islands Trust Area. 

This program includes mailing new property owners with information on land protection and stewardships tips, providing island-specific information on services, and hosting webinars.

2025 Webinars

Invasive Species Removal and Native Plant Gardening

January 23, 2025
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Join us for a webinar to learn about the devastating impact of invasive species on island ecosystems and how you can help. Discover practical tips for identifying and removing invasive plants from your property. This webinar will also explore the benefits of native plant gardening, including its role in supporting biodiversity and restoring ecosystems. Expert presenters will share valuable insights and techniques for supporting island ecosystems by removing invasive species, and creating beautiful and sustainable native plant gardens.


  1. Sara Jim – TŦE NE SNÁ. ĆSELÁE SEN EṮ W̱SÁNEĆ (W̱S͸ḴEM), W̱S͸ḴEM Ivy Project
  2. Kyle Clarke – Education Coordinator, WSANEC & PEPÁḴEṈ HÁUTW̱ (PH)

Register to attend here.

Living with Fire

February 26, 2025
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Join this Islands Trust webinar to find out more about the current state of forest health and the interconnections between healthy watersheds, native biodiversity, and fire resilience in the Howe Sound, and northern region of the Trust Area.

Discover actionable steps for building resilience in communities, including more information about the traditional practice of controlled fires that help reduce fuel for wildfires, and wetland restoration to create a more fire-resilient future. The distinguished panel of experts will discuss the current state of forest health, fire risk, and actionable steps for building resilience in communities.

Register to attend here.

2024 Webinars

Living with Fire: a panel discussion for those living in the Salish Sea

Join Islands Trust for the ‘Living with Fire’ webinar to find out more about the current state of forest health and the interconnections between healthy watersheds, native biodiversity, and fire resilience in the Trust Area.

Discover actionable steps for building resilience in communities, including techniques like ecological thinning, and wetland restoration to create a more fire-resilient future. The distinguished panel of experts will discuss the current state of forest health, fire risk, and actionable steps for building resilience in communities.


  1. Conor Corbett – Registered Professional Forester, Frontera Forest Solutions
  2. Robert W. Gray – AFE Certified Wildland Fire Ecologist, President of R.W. Gray Consulting Ltd.
  3. Becky Miller – Forest Ecologist, Parks Canada Agency

Moderated by: Ruth Waldick – Climate Adaptation Research Lab, Transition Salt Spring

This Zoom webinar was on March 26, 2024 at 7:00 – 8:30PM.

Watch the recording here

2024 Freshwater Sustainability Strategy and Online Atlas

Islands Trust is diving into Freshwater Sustainability with this webinar on the Islands Trust Freshwater Sustainability Strategy and Online Atlas! Freshwater Specialist William Shulba shared how the strategy sets out goals and objectives to address freshwater supply challenges, support climate action, and ensure watershed security for a future of freshwater sustainability.

This Zoom webinar was on January 24, 2024 at 7:00 – 8:30PM. The recording is available to view here.

2024 Groundwater: Our Shared Responsibility!

Groundwater is a unique amenity of the Islands Trust Area. Join Islands Trust and provincial staff to learn further about groundwater resources and best practices for well management on the islands. Risk of saltwater intrusion is of special concern for coastal aquifers. The likelihood of saltwater intrusion in groundwater wells increases with pumping demand and from coastal hazards such as rising sea levels and storm surges.

This Zoom webinar was on February 13, at 7:00 PM. The recording available to view here.

2023 Webinars

2023 Trust Area Forest Classification, Health and Significance

In June 2023, trustees received a training session on forest classifications, forest health and significance of forests in the Islands Trust Area.

Watch the recording

2023 Islands Trust Conservancy Speaker Series

Islands Trust Conservancy’s Species At Risk Program hosted digital events from February 16 – April 12, 2023. For more information, visit Species At Risk Program.

2022 Webinars

Wells & Groundwater Licensing in the Trust Area

Date & Time

February 3, 2022, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

A recording of the webinar is available here.


Julia Berardinucci (Water Strategies and Conservation, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy) and Cali Melnechenko (Water Authorizations Section Head, Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development) profiled:

  • the importance of the March 1, 2022 deadline to apply for a water licence,
  • and provided local context to the risks of not applying.

Recording & Resources

2020 Climate Change Speaker Series

Eelgrass: A Climate Hero

Date & Time

November 24, 2020, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm


Aimee McGowan, Victoria Postlethwaite, and Nikki Wright profiled:

  • the ecosystem contribution of eelgrass 
  • what we can do to protect and restore this important plant.

Recording & Resources

Ecosystem-based Adaptation

Date & Time

October 27, 2020, 6:30 – 8:00 pm


Tine Rossing, Ecolibrio Consulting, and Ruth Waldick, Ecological Research Network, profiled:

  • impacts of climate change on the Islands Trust Area
  • how nature can help people adapt to climate change by working with, rather than against, the local ecosystem
  • why a healthy ecosystem is necessary for human well-being.

Recording & Resources

Rainwater Harvesting

Date & Time

September 29, 2020, 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm


William Shulba, Islands Trust, and Shannon Cowan, Salt Spring Island Watershed Protection Alliance, profiled:

  • climate impacts on water sustainability
  • showcased rainwater harvesting systems
  • provided a tour of different types of rainwater harvesting systems

Recording & Resources


Through this program, Islands Trust mails new property owners with information on land protection and stewardships tips for building and renovating, along with a list of frequently-requested contacts for government and other services. New materials created for this project include:

Trust Area Stewardship Tips Guide
Islands Trust Brochure
Groundwater Conservation Brochure
Land-use Planning Information and Contact Sheet

12 Local Trust Area Bylaws & Zoning Regulations and Other Government Services Lists:

A Place In The Islands was produced in 2007 to provide information to people who are new to living in the Islands Trust Area and the San Juan Islands.