Financial Planning Committee

The Financial Planning Committee is comprised of all members of the Executive Committee; the Chair (or designate) of the Regional Planning Committee, the Trust Programs Committee, and the Governance Committee; a member chosen by the Islands Trust Conservancy Board; and three (3) other local or municipal trustees.

Roles and Responsibilities

The Financial Planning Committee’s roles and responsibilities are assigned through the Islands Trust Council policy.

The Financial Planning Committee is responsible for:

  • Annual Budget Process
    Facilitates Council’s involvement in the annual budget process.
  • Budget and Financial Planning
    Facilitates the linkage of the annual strategic planning process with the annual budget process.
  • Financial Management
    Reports to and makes recommendations to Council regarding the organization’s financial management practices.
  • Annual Audit
    Appoints (from amongst its members but excluding members of the Executive Committee) an Audit Committee for the purposes of reviewing and recommending approval of the annual audit.
  • Islands Trust Conservancy Board Support
    Provides advice to the Islands Trust Conservancy board on financial services and support available from the Islands Trust.


Sue Ellen Fast
Bowen Island Trustee
T: 1-604-947-0320
E: Sue Ellen Fast

Vice Chair 

Mairead Boland
Saturna Island Trustee
T: 1-520-241-2954
E: Mairead Boland


David Graham
Denman Island Trustee
T: 1-250-335-3033
E: David Graham

Islands Trust Conservancy Representative

Susan Yates
Gabriola Island Trustee
T: 1-250-247-8086
E: Susan Yates

Governance Committee Representative

Judith Gedye
Bowen Island Trustee and Chair, Governance Committee
T: 1-604-947-4255
E: Judith Gedye

Regional Planning Committee Representative

Laura Patrick
Salt Spring Island Trustee and Chair, Regional Planning Committee
T: 1-250-530-9663
E: Laura Patrick

Trust Programs Committee Representative

Alex Allen
Hornby Island Trustee and Vice Chair, Trust Programs Committee
T: 1-250-335-1129 ext.420
E: Alex Allen



Executive Committee Representatives

Laura Patrick
Salt Spring Island Trustee
T: 1-250-538-8170
E: Laura Patrick

Tobi Elliott
Gabriola Island Trustee
T: 1-604-832-7034
E: Tobi Elliott

David Maude
Mayne Island Trustee
E: David Maude

Tim Peterson
Lasqueti Island Trustee
T: 1-250-607-7094
E: Tim Peterson

Support Staff

Executive Coordinator
T: 1-250-405-5171

Write to:  “Attention: Financial Planning Committee”