The key themes of preserving, protecting, and enhancing relationships within surrounding environments guide plans and strategies within Islands. Find out more about the Island’s Trust Strategic Plan, Reconciliation Action Plan, Regional Conservation Plan, Conservancy Five-Year Plan, Conservancy Securement Strategy and Conservancy Property Management Strategy.

Strategic Planning
Interim Strategic Plan (2018-2025)
Through the Interim Strategic Plan, Islands Trust Council is focusing on five key areas of stewardship: marine and freshwater stewardship, climate change, community, communication and governance. Trust Council will receive quarterly updates about progress and will consider changes based on changing circumstances and ongoing public input.
Bowen Island Municipality is guided by its own Strategic Plan and Parks Plan. The Islands Trust Conservancy is guided by its Five-Year Plan (see below).
Reconciliation Action Plan (2019-2022)
The Reconciliation Action Plan provides a foundation of goals and initiatives to assist Islands Trust bodies to reflect, learn, and work collaboratively and respectfully with First Nations governments and Indigenous Peoples within the Islands Trust Area.
This plan guides the Islands Trust Council in the application of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Articles, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action, the Islands Trust First Nations Engagement Policy, and the Draft Principles that Guide the Province of British Columbia’s Relationship with Indigenous Peoples.
Freshwater Sustainability Strategy (2022-2032)
This Freshwater Sustainability Strategy provides a framework for action to protect island water resources. It harmonizes the efforts of groundwater-focused projects, supports the translation of the science into land use policy and regulation, and identifies ways to enhance community stewardship and support for measures that will address freshwater vulnerabilities.
Housing Strategic Action Plan
At its meeting on December 5, 2023, Islands Trust Council endorsed a Housing Strategic Action Plan to guide Trust-wide housing policy development and advocacy that supports Trust Council’s goal to sustain island character and healthy communities. The Housing Strategic Action Plan provides a framework to guide decision-making and allocate resources to help resolve the housing equity and workforce shortage crisis in the Islands Trust Area.
The Islands Trust Housing Strategic Action Plan is available here.
Regional Conservation Plan (2018-2027)
This science-based Regional Conservation Plan helps the Islands Trust Conservancy Board focus its programs based on ecosystem values, threats and current levels of conservation and is of value to local trust committees and Bowen Island Municipality. A summary is also available.
Conservancy Five-Year Plan (2018-2022)
Under the Islands Trust Act, the Conservancy must submit to the Minister, a Five-Year Plan about its policies on the acquisition, management and disposal of property, as well as its policies on investment of money and goals for major acquisitions of property.
Conservancy Securement Strategy (2017-2027)
The Securement Strategy sets out the Islands Trust Conservancy’s land securement process and methods for assessing which properties to protect. This strategy focuses on private land securement through voluntary covenants and acquisitions in identified high-biodiversity priority areas.
Conservancy Property Management Strategy (ongoing)
The Property Management Strategy guides how the Islands Trust Conservancy manages its owned and covenanted lands with the goal that the ecological integrity of those lands is maintained or increased.
Islands Trust Communications Strategy (2024)
The Islands Trust Communications Strategy fosters engagement with island communities and improves public trust in the organization through awareness
and education.