Local trust committee community planning projects are proactive initiatives that further the preserve and protect mandate. Projects can be significant and long term, such as an Official Community Plan Review, or may be relatively minor, such as an amendment to a regulation in a Land Use Bylaw.
Denman Housing Review Project (Stage 2)
The Denman LTC is currently engaging in Stage 2 for the Denman Housing Review Project. This Stage include two Phases. Phase 1 involves engaging the Denman Island Housing Advisory Planning Commission (HAPC), housing groups on Denman Island and community members to identify options for updating the Denman Island Official Community Plan and Land Use Bylaw to address housing need. Phase 2 involves advancing policy and regulatory amendments that focus on addressing housing need while preserving and protecting the natural environment.
1 - About the Project
2 - Staff Reports
3 - Proposed Bylaws - none
4 - Public Correspondence
5 - Community Consultation
6 - Other Information - none
1 - About the Project
2 - Staff Reports
3 - Proposed Bylaws - none
4 - Public Correspondence
5 - Community Consultation
6 - Other Information
Housing Related TUP Review Project
This project focuses on revising Denman Island’s Temporary Use Permit (TUP) policies and regulations concerning accessory dwelling units (ADUs). The goal is to eliminate the TUP requirement for ADUs, making it easier to create these housing units. Additionally, exploring the possibility of eliminating the residential density bank, as removing the TUP requirement for ADUs may result in more housing units than the current bank can accommodate.
1. About the Project
2. Staff Reports
3. Proposed Bylaws and Public Hearing Notice
4. Public correspondence - none
5. Community Consultation - none
6. Other Information - none