

Local trust committee community planning projects are proactive initiatives that further the preserve and protect mandate. Projects can be significant and long term, such as an Official Community Plan Review, or may be relatively minor, such as an amendment to a regulation in a Land Use Bylaw.

Gabriola OCP and LUB Review (Phase 1)

The Gabriola LTC is engaging in a review of their Official Community Plan (OCP) and Land Use Bylaw (LUB). An OCP describes the long-term vision for a community, through a policy statement that guides decisions on planning and land use. An LUB contains regulations to implement the OCP policies. The Gabriola OCP has not been updated since 1997, and the LUB since 1999. The 2024/25 Gabriola Island OCP and LUB Comprehensive Review will address a number of issues of importance to the Gabriola Community. The LTC has identified housing to be a key priority. Work done for the Housing Options and Impact Review will be integrated into the OCP/LUB Review where appropriate.

Read more about the Gabriola Official Community Plan Review here

Phase 1 (2023/24) was a community engagement process, known as Gabriola Visioning 2050, the outcome of which will help to identify the vision and values of the community to guide the 2024-25 OCP and LUB review process. Find out more about the completed Gabriola Visioning 2050 process, the outcomes of which will inform the update of the Official Community Plan (OCP) here

Gabriola OCP and LUB Review (Phase 1)
  • 1 - About the Project
  • 2 - Staff Reports
  • 3 - Proposed Bylaws-none
  • 4 - Public Correspondence
  • 5 - Community Consultation
  • 6 - Other Information-none
Housing Options and Impact Review 2018-2022
  • 1. About the Project
  • 2. Staff Reports
  • 3. Proposed Bylaws
  • 4. Public correspondence
  • 5. Community Consultation
  • 6. Other Information

Gabriola Ecological Protection Zone Project

This project seeks to develop a new ecological protection zone for the Gabriola Island Land Use Bylaw No. 177, including redesignating Elder Cedar Nature Reserve to a park or conservation/protection type zone.   Please note:  Burren’s Acres Nature Reserve has currently been removed from the scope of this project since a rezoning is required before the area can be redesignated.  For more information see About the Project, below.

  • 1. About the Project
  • 2. Staff Reports
  • 3. Proposed Bylaw and Notice
  • 4. Public correspondence
  • 5. Community Consultation - None
  • 6. Other Information

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