Gabriola Official Community Plan Review

We want to hear from you!

Housing, the economy, environmental protection, climate change, waste and water, and cultural heritage: these are all topics that Gabriola residents told us are important during the last round of engagement, and we want to hear what you think. Answer the survey to contribute to the development of policies related to these topics.

The following discussion guides will support you as you complete the survey online, or contact Islands Trust to complete a paper version of the survey. The topic-focused survey is open to all Gabriola residents!

Freshwater Footprint

Water is essential for life and a healthy environment on Gabriola Island, yet we often struggle to integrate water-related issues into long-term planning. Do we have enough water for current and future needs? How does land use affect water quality? Where are critical groundwater recharge zones, and how can we protect them?

To help answer these questions, Islands Trust is developing a Freshwater Footprint to measure and support freshwater sustainability. The Footprint considers water availability, distribution, and quality, along with island-specific water use, human impacts, Indigenous knowledge, and climate adaptation.

The Freshwater Footprint will inform land use planning, the Gabriola Island Community Plan review, and practical steps to protect local water resources.

FAQs: Freshwater Footprint – Gabriola Island Pilot Project

If you’d like to part of a water focus group, please email

What is an Official Community Plan (OCP)?

An OCP implements the community’s vision.

It provides a long-term strategy for land use management, outlining broad objectives and policies to guide future growth and development of the community.

The Gabriola Island community is invited to participate in the OCP Review

The first phase of the Gabriola Island Official Community Plan Review (OCP) was the Gabriola Visioning 2050 project. During this engagement process, the Gabriola community was asked about what they value, what their hopes and dreams for the Island are, and what they hope to see change. The Gabriola Visioning 2050 What We Heard report can be found here.

There are opportunities to engage at each step in the OCP review process.

How Does Legislation and Policy Influence Land Use?

Gabriola Island OCP Review Timeline

Chat to us!

Look for Trustees and Islands Trust staff at the Saturday Markets, the Silva Bay Market, Wednesday night jams and many of the summer events happening on island for an opportunity to fill out the survey or give input into the principles and values identified so far.


Subscribe for updates to receive the latest information on the OCP process and get information on discussions on key topics.

Islands Trust staff at an information table at the Silva Bay Market, Gabriola Island, on July 21, 2024

Islands Trust staff at an information table at the Silva Bay Market, Gabriola Island, on July 21, 2024