Current Applications

This page includes current rezoning applications, as well as other significant applications. For a complete list of all open applications and their status, see the most current Local Trust Committee agenda package (found through a search for upcoming meetings on the Meetings and Events page). In the agenda package view the ‘Applications with Status Report’ which can be found within the ‘Reports’ section.

GL-RZ-2014.1 (Crystal Mountain)

Location: 1915 Devina Dr.

To Rezone to permit a year-round forest retreat centre.

  • 1 - Staff Reports
  • 2 - Proposed Bylaws
  • 3 - Proposal and Applicant Correspondence
  • 4 - Community Consultation
  • 5 - Correspondence
  • 6 - Other Information
  • 7 - Public Hearing Binder

GL-RZ-2020.1 (King)

Location: 51 Galiano Way

Proposed rezoning from Forest 1 (F1) to Forest 3 (F3) to allow owners to live on the property.

  • 1 - Staff Reports
  • 2 - Proposed Bylaw or Permit - none
  • 3 - Public Correspondence- none
  • 4 - Community Consultation - none
  • 5 - Other Information - none

GL-RZ-2021.2 (Matheson/Bairstow)

Location: District Lot 86

Proposed rezoning from Forest 1 (F1) to a combination of Forest 3 (F3), Rural Residential (RR) and Nature Protection (NP).

  • 1 - Staff Reports
  • 2 - Proposed Bylaws - none
  • 3 - Public Correspondence
  • 4 - Community Consultation - none
  • 5 - Other Information

GL-RZ-2023.1 (Rockafella)

Location: District Lot 14

Proposed rezoning from Forest 1 (F1) to a split zoned lot: 80 hectare to be a site-specific Forest 3 (F3) zone and 2 hectares to a site-specific Forest Industrial (FI) zone.

  • 1 - Staff Reports
  • 2 - Proposed Bylaw or Permit - none
  • 3 - Public Correspondence
  • 4 - Community Consultation - none
  • 5 - Other Information

GL-RZ-2023.2 (McElhanney)

Location: District Lot 85

Proposed rezoning from Forest 1 (F1) to a combination of Forest 3 (F3), Rural Residential (RR) and Nature Protection (NP).

  • 1 - Staff Reports
  • 2 - Proposed Bylaw or Permit - none
  • 3 - Public Correspondence
  • 4 - Community Consultation - none
  • 5 - Other Information

GL-PLRZ20240003 (Palmberg)

Location: District Lot 15

Proposed rezoning from Rural 2 (R2) to site specific R2 Zoning.

  • 1 - Staff Reports
  • 2 - Proposed Bylaw or Permit - none
  • 3 - Public Correspondence
  • 4 - Community Consultation - none
  • 5 - Other Information - none

Temporary Use Permits (TUPs) for Short Term Vacation Rentals

In July 2021 the Galiano Island Local Trust Committee (LTC) amended the Galiano Island Official Community Plan (OCP) to state that “A Temporary Use Permit shall not be issued by the Local Trust Committee for the purpose of a commercial vacation rental. ” As such, there are no new or renewal TUPs being considered for commercial vacation rentals at this time.