This page includes current rezoning applications, as well as other significant applications. For a complete list of all open applications and their status, see the most current Local Trust Committee agenda package (found through a search for upcoming meetings on the Meetings and Events page). In the agenda package view the ‘Applications with Status Report’ which can be found within the ‘Reports’ section.
Land Use Bylaw and Official Community Plan Amendment Applications
None at this time.
Development Variance Permit Applications
PLDVP20250019: Development Variance Permit
Location: 570 Vaucroft Road, Thormanby Island
Application to vary the setbacks as follows:
- Reduce the minimum highway/private road setback from 6.0 metres to 2.0 metres
- Reduce the minimum rear lot line setback from 7.5 metres to 1.5 metres for the construction of a new dwelling.
1 - Staff Reports
2 - Proposed Bylaw or Permit
3 - Public Correspondence
4 - Community Consultation - none
5 - Other Information - none
GM-DVP-2002.1: Development Variance Permit
Location: Keats Camp, Keats Island (DL 696)
Application to vary the siting requirements for existing Keats Camp cottages, decks and accessory buildings. Variances are required to the interior side lot line, front lot line, setback from the natural boundary of the sea, and seaward projection of the side lot line.
On hold pending rezoning application.
GM-DVP-2022.1 & GM-DP-2022.1: Development Variance Permit & Development Permit
Location: Lot 27 Mount Artaban Road, Gambier Island
Application to permit existing structures within the 15 metre setback to the boundary of the sea.
No application documents at this time. Awaiting additional information from the applicant.
GM-DVP-2022.3: Development Variance Permit
Location: 123 Esplanade Road, Keats Island
Application to permit an existing seawall within a 25 foot setback.
No application documents at this time. Awaiting additional information from the applicant.
GM-DVP-2023.2 & GM-DP-2023.1: Development Variance Permit & Development Permit
Location: Lot 62, West Bay Rd, Gambier Island
Companion Development Permit and Development Variance Permit applications to facilitate residential development, and to vary the Gambier Island Land Use Bylaw 15 metre setback for watercourses, respectively.
1 - Staff Reports
2 - Proposed Bylaw or Permit
3 - Public Correspondence
4 - Community Consultation - none
5 - Other Information - none
GM-DVP-2023.4: Development Variance Permit
Location: Lot 8, Sunset Estates, Gambier Island
Requesting variance for an existing cabin and deck built within the setback of the natural boundary of the sea.
1 - Staff Reports
2 - Proposed Bylaw or Permit - none
3 - Public Correspondence
4 - Community Consultation - none
5 - Other Information - none
Temporary Use Permit Applications
None at this time.