

Local trust committee community planning projects are proactive initiatives that further the preserve and protect mandate. Projects can be significant and long term, such as an Official Community Plan Review, or may be relatively minor, such as an amendment to a regulation in a Land Use Bylaw.

Gambier Island Official Community Plan and Land Use Bylaw Targeted Review

This project aims to review the Gambier Island Official Community Plan policies and Land Use regulations with a focus on forest ecosystem protection, shoreline protection, archaeological and cultural site protection, access to public docks. Documents affiliated with the project are found below.  A detailed outline of the project is available on our news page.

  • 1. About the Project
  • 2. Staff Reports
  • 3. Proposed Bylaws - none
  • 4. Public correspondence
  • 5. Community Consultation
  • 6. Other Information

Keats Island Shoreline Protection

This project has now entered Phase 3 which includes the establishment of a Shoreline Development Permit Area (DPA) for the purposes of protecting the natural environment, its ecosystems and biological diversity, and protecting development from hazardous conditions. Included in this phase are potential land use bylaw amendments to restrict the size and type of identified marine structures.  More in-depth information about the Keats Island Shoreline Protection project here.

For other information, see About the Project below.

  • 1. About the Project
  • 2. Staff Reports
  • 3. Proposed Bylaws
  • 4. Public correspondence
  • 5. Community Consultation
  • 6. Other Information
  • 7. Public Hearing Binder

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