Current Applications

This page includes current rezoning applications, as well as other significant applications. For a complete list of all open applications and their status, see the most current Local Trust Committee agenda package (found through a search for upcoming meetings on the Meetings and Events page). In the agenda package view the ‘Applications with Status Report’ which can be found within the ‘Reports’ section.

Beulah Creek Village, Hornby Island Housing Agreement Draft Bylaw No. 178

Location: 5040 Central Road, Hornby Island (PID: 028-221-401)

The Hornby Island Local Trust Committee will consider first reading of draft Bylaw No. 178, cited as “Hornby Island Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 178, 2024” at its Regular Business Meeting scheduled at 11:30 a.m. on Friday, November 1, 2024, in person at the Hornby Island Community Hall, 4305 Central Road, Hornby Island. Draft Bylaw No. 178 is a bylaw to adopt a housing agreement between the Hornby Island Local Trust Committee and Hornby Island Housing Society and M’akola Development Services for the Beulah Creek Village community housing project, as required by the definition of “community housing” as a use in the Hornby Island Land Use Bylaw No. 150, 2014. The subject property is located at 5040 Central Road and is zoned R3(a) – Community Housing.

The Local Trust Committee is not holding a Public Hearing for this Bylaw by the authority granted under Section 464(3)(c) of the Local Government Act, which states that a local government must not hold a public hearing if the sole purpose of the bylaw is to permit a development that is, in whole or in part, a residential development. Statutory Notice of First Reading was sent on October 18th to property owners, residents and tenants, and posted on the bulletin board at the Hornby Co-op, on the Hornby LTC web page, and in the Hornby Tribune in two consecutive editions.

A copy of the draft Bylaw may be viewed at the Islands Trust Office, 700 North Road, Gabriola Island, BC, or on the Islands Trust website commencing October 18, 2024 and ending October 31, 2024 during regular business hours (8:30 am – 4:00 pm).

Enquiries or Written Comments may be directed to or by telephone at 250-247-2063.

  • 1 - Staff Reports
  • 2 - Proposed Bylaw or Permit
  • 3- Public Correspondence - none
  • 4- Community Consultation - none
  • 5- Other Information - none

Land Use Bylaw and Official Community Plan Amendment Applications

No rezoning applications at this time.

Development Variance Permit Applications

PLDVP20240341 (Hornby Co-op): Development Variance Permit

Location: 5875 Central Road, Hornby Island

The Hornby Island Cooperative Association received a development variance permit (DVP) on November 1, 2024 to vary the setback regulations of the Hornby Island Land Use Bylaw Commercial 1 – Retail (C1) (Co-op and Service Station) zone, in order to facilitate a two-phase project for the construction of a new co-op building at 5875 Central Road (PLDVP20240155). An additional DVP application is required to vary the height regulations (PLDVP20240341). Property owners and tenants within 100 metres of the subject property received a statutory public notice in the mail with details of the height variance request, and a copy will be available in the “Proposed Bylaw or Permit” folder below.

The property is a ‘hooked’ parcel, separated by Shields Road running west-east along the road frontages. The north portion consists of the existing Co-op Gas Bar and gravel parking area (0.92ha), and the south of the existing Co-op General Store and Market (0.37ha). The proposed project is located on the southern portion, with site services extending across Shields Road on to the north portion.

The project is planned in two phases. Phase one would include the construction of a new Hornby Island Co-op while maintaining operations in the existing building. On completion, the old building would be demolished, beginning phase two comprising landscaped areas and a front entrance canopy on the building.

The applicant also applied for and received an approved development permit (DP) as required by the property’s location within the “Commercial Centres (Retail & Visitor Accommodations)” Development Permit Area as shown on Schedule “E” to the Hornby Island Official Community Plan.

  • 1 - Staff Reports
  • 2 - Proposed Bylaw or Permit
  • 3- Public Correspondence - none
  • 4- Community Consultation - none
  • 5- Other Information - none

Temporary Use Permit Applications

HO-TUP-2020.3: Temporary Use Permit

Location: 5875 Central Road, Hornby Island

Temporary Use Permit to permit bulk water sales from gas bar on subject lot.
No application documents at this time.

PLTUP20240177: Temporary Use Permit

Location: 4200 Roburn Road, Hornby Island

Temporary Use Permit (TUP) application from the owner of the subject property to establish a detached residential dwelling unit to provide temporary accommodation for a relative or caregiver and affordable rental accommodation under the Residential Tenancy Act.

  • 1 - Staff Reports
  • 2 - Proposed Bylaw or Permit
  • 3- Public Correspondence
  • 4- Community Consultation - none
  • 5- Other Information - none


HO-OTH-2022.1: Telecommunications Tower Application

Location: Section 11, Hornby Island, Nanaimo District (PID: 000-787-260)

Application from Rogers Communications Inc. (proponent) proposing to site a 63.0-metre tall self-support telecommunications tower on Provincial Crown land on the west side of Central Road. The LTC will receive a referral through the Province’s consultation process before providing a statement of concurrence, concurrence with conditions, or non-concurrence to the proponent. The proponent must meet public consultation requirements as outlined in the LTC’s Antenna Strategy before a statement of concurrence is considered.

  • 1 - Staff Reports
  • 2 - Public Correspondence
  • 3 - Community Consultation - Rogers
  • 4 - Other Information
  • 5 - Provincial Crown Land Referral Response