Current Applications

This page includes current rezoning applications, as well as other significant applications. For a complete list of all open applications and their status, see the most current Local Trust Committee agenda package (found through a search for upcoming meetings on the Meetings and Events page). In the agenda package view the ‘Applications with Status Report’ which can be found within the ‘Reports’ section.

Land Use Bylaw and Official Community Plan Amendment Applications

No rezoning applications at this time.

Development Variance Permit Applications

No development variance permit applications at this time.

Temporary Use Permit Applications

HO-TUP-2020.3: Temporary Use Permit

Location: 5875 Central Road, Hornby Island

Temporary Use Permit to permit bulk water sales from gas bar on subject lot.
No application documents at this time.


HO-OTH-2022.1: Telecommunications Tower Application

Location: Section 11, Hornby Island, Nanaimo District (PID: 000-787-260)

Application from Rogers Communications Inc. (proponent) proposing to site a 63.0-metre tall self-support telecommunications tower on Provincial Crown land on the west side of Central Road. The LTC will receive a referral through the Province’s consultation process before providing a statement of concurrence, concurrence with conditions, or non-concurrence to the proponent. The proponent must meet public consultation requirements as outlined in the LTC’s Antenna Strategy before a statement of concurrence is considered.

Province of BC Crown Lands public comments on the proposal may be received until July 24th. Use the following link to provide feedback directly to the province:

  • 1 - Staff Reports
  • 2 - Public Correspondence
  • 3 - Community Consultation - Rogers
  • 4 - Other Information
  • 5 - Provincial Crown Land Referral Response