

Local trust committee community planning projects are proactive initiatives that further the preserve and protect mandate. Projects can be significant and long term, such as an Official Community Plan Review, or may be relatively minor, such as an amendment to a regulation in a Land Use Bylaw.

Comprehensive Official Community Plan Review

This project is a comprehensive Official Community Plan (OCP) and Land Use Bylaw (LUB) Review prioritized by the Regional Planning Team. Topic areas of focus include: working with First Nations, Short Term Vacation Rentals and Housing.  This project builds on the recommendations of the Advisory Planning Commission and the March 2023 engagement summary report prepared by a consultant. Comprehensive engagement with the K’omoks First Nation is cornerstone to the development of draft bylaws in 2023/2024.

  • 1. About the Project
  • 2. Staff Reports
  • 3. Proposed Bylaws - none
  • 4. Public correspondence
  • 5. Community Consultation
  • 6. Other Information

Creation of Heritage Register

This minor LTC project is to oversee the creation of a heritage register for Hornby Island. The Hornby Island Resident’s and Ratepayers’ Association (HIRRA) Community Hall Committee contracted a local area heritage consultant to prepare Statements of Significance (SOS) for three inaugural sites to be added to the register: The Hornby Island Community Hall, Hornby Island’s First Schoolhouse, and the Room to Grow. The project received support from the Comox Valley Regional District during 2023 for the SOS and a revised LTC Project Charter v.2 with updated work program and timeline is found in the folder below.

  • 1. Project Charter
  • 2. Staff Reports
  • 3. Other Information - none

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