Current Applications

This page includes current rezoning applications, as well as other significant applications. For a complete list of all open applications and their status, see the most current Local Trust Committee agenda package (found through a search for upcoming meetings on the Meetings and Events page). In the agenda package view the ‘Applications with Status Report’ which can be found within the ‘Reports’ section.

PLRZ20240110 (Bigham)

Location: 3334 Port Washington Road

An application to rezone a portion of the property from Rural (R) to a site-specific Industrial (I) zoning to permit the operation of a contractor yard, storage and handling of aggregates, industrial equipment service, maintenance and storage, propane tank and fuel storage, and other associated industrial uses. The OCP designation for this portion of the parcel is Industrial.

  • 1 - Staff Reports
  • 2 - Proposed Bylaw or Permit - none
  • 3 - Public Correspondence
  • 4 - Community Consultation - none
  • 5 - Other Information
  • 6 - Applicant Submissions & Professional Reports

NP-RZ-2024.1 (Grimmer)

Location: 4415 Bedwell Harbour Road

Rezoning application to permit the continued operation of a concrete batch plant and associated uses on a portion of the subject property which is zoned Rural (R) and does not permit industrial uses. The concrete plant operation is currently permitted under temporary use permit NP-TUP-2023.5.

  • 1 - Staff Reports
  • 2 - Proposed Bylaw or Permit - none
  • 3 - Public Correspondence - none
  • 4 - Community Consultation - none
  • 5 - Other Information - none