This page includes current rezoning applications, as well as other significant applications. For a complete list of all open applications and their status, see the most current Local Trust Committee agenda package (found through a search for upcoming meetings on the Meetings and Events page). In the agenda package view the ‘Applications with Status Report’ which can be found within the ‘Reports’ section.
Land Use Bylaw Amendment Applications
PLRZ20240188 : Land Use Bylaw amendment
Location: 210 & 220 Kanaka Road, Salt Spring Island
Application to amend the Salt Spring Island Land Use Bylaw to alter the definition of public service.
1. Staff Reports
2. Proposed Bylaw or Permit-None
3. Public Correspondence-None
4. Community Consultation- None
5. Other Information- None
PLRZ20240145 : Land Use Bylaw amendment
Location: 200 Collins Rd, Salt Spring Island
Application to amend Salt Spring Island Land Use Bylaw from Rural Zone to Rural Variant f (f) Zone
1. Staff Reports
2. Proposed Bylaw or Permit
3. Public Correspondence -None
4. Community Consultation
5. Other Information - None
SS-RZ-2024.1: Official Community Plan and Land Use Bylaw amendments
Location: Vesuvius Ferry Terminal, Salt Spring Island
A proposal for OCP and Land Use Bylaw Amendments to permit the redevelopment of the existing ferry terminal area and wharf.
1. Staff Reports
2. Proposed Bylaw or Permit
3. Public Correspondence
4. Community Consultation - None
5. Other Information - None
SS-RZ-2021.1: Land Use Bylaw Amendment
Location: 114 Swanson Road, Salt Spring Island
A proposal to permit a six dwelling strata development.
1. Staff Reports
2. Proposed Bylaw - None
3. Public Correspondence
4. Community Consultation - None
5. Other Information - None
SS-RZ-2019.1: Land Use Bylaw amendment
Location: 248 Upper Ganges Road, Salt Spring Island
Rezoning for General Employment uses.
1. Staff Reports
2. Proposed Bylaw - None
3. Public Correspondence
4. Community Consultation - None
5. Other Information - None
SS-RZ-2017.3: Land Use Bylaw amendment
Location: 2188 North End Road, Salt Spring Island
A proposal to rezone to a Rural Zone Variation to allow existing cottage on property to be designated as affordable housing.
1. Staff Reports
2. Proposed Bylaw
3. Public Correspondence
4. Community Consultation
5. Other Information - None
SS-RZ-2017.2: Land Use Bylaw amendment
Location: 221 Drake Road, Salt Spring Island
A proposal for OCP and Land Use Bylaw Amendments to permit 30 affordable housing units.
1. Staff Reports
2. Proposed Bylaws
3. Public Correspondence
4. Community Consultation
5. Other Information - None
SS-RZ-2013.9: Land Use Bylaw Amendment
Location: 161 Drake Road, Salt Spring Island
A proposal to amend the Land Use Bylaw from R9 to a R1 variant for a multi-family affordable housing complex.
1. Staff Reports
2. Proposed Bylaw
3. Public Correspondence
4. Community Consultation - None
5. Other Information - None
Development Permit Applications
PLDP20240056 – Shore Stabilization ( Green Shoring)
Location: 235 Quarry Drive, Salt Spring Island
Work within a DPA-03 area for “green shoring” to stabilize the shoreline through nature-based means.
1. Staff Reports - None
2. Proposed Bylaw or Permit - None
3. Public Correspondence
4. Community Consultation - None
5. Other Information - None
PLDP20240057 – Shore Stabilization ( Green Shoring)
Location: 239 Quarry Drive, Salt Spring Island
Work within a DPA-03 area for “green shoring” to stabilize the shoreline through nature-based means.
1. Staff Reports - None
2. Proposed Bylaw or Permit - None
3. Public Correspondence
4. Community Consultation - None
5. Other Information - None
PLDP20240058 – Shore Stabilization ( Green Shoring)
Location: 431 Baker Rd, Salt Spring Island
Work within a DPA-03 area for “green shoring” to stabilize the shoreline through nature-based means.
1. Staff Reports - None
2. Proposed Bylaw or Permit - None
3. Public Correspondence
4. Community Consultation - None
5. Other Information - None
PLDP20240059 – Shore Stabilization ( Green Shoring)
Location: 434 Baker Rd, Salt Spring Island
Work within a DPA-03 area for “green shoring” to stabilize the shoreline through nature-based means.
1. Staff Reports - None
2. Proposed Bylaw or Permit - None
3. Public Correspondence
4. Community Consultation - None
5. Other Information - None
Development Variance Permit Applications
PLDVP20240267 : Development Variance Permit for Land Use Bylaw amendment
Location: 132 Narrows West Road, Salt Spring Island
Application for a development variance permit to allow the construction of stairs within the setback from the natural boundary of water bodies.
1. Staff Reports - None
2. Proposed Bylaw or Permit
3. Public Correspondence - None
4. Community Consultation
5. Other Information - None
PLDVP20240286 : Development Variance Permit for Land Use Bylaw amendment
Location: 116 Jackson Avenue, Salt Spring Island
Application for a development variance permit to reduce the setback requirements from the interior side lot lines to accommodate the construction of concrete blocks and a water tank.
1. Staff Reports - None
2. Proposed Bylaw or Permit
3. Public Correspondence - None
4. Community Consultation
5. Other Information - None