What is an Official Community Plan (OCP)?
An OCP implements the community’s vision.
It provides a long-term strategy for land use management, outlining broad objectives and policies to guide future growth and development of the community.
What is a Land Use Bylaw (LUB)?
A LUB creates regulation based on OCP policy
A LUB is developed in alignment with and OCP policy, turning high level vision into local regulation. A Land Use Bylaw implements the community vision included in the OCP on the ground by regulating the use and development of land, and the construction of buildings on the land.
The Salt Spring Island Official Community Plan and Land Use Bylaw update project aims to refresh 1999/2008 policy and regulation through a community driven process to identify and implement current and flexible options to address current housing gaps. Through this exercise, LTC will remain committed to implementing solutions in line with:
- The interests of First Nations with treaty and territorial interests in the Salt Spring Island Local Trust Area
- Ecosystem integrity and connectivity
- Climate change resiliency
How Does Legislation and Policy Influence Land Use?
Salt Spring Island OCP/LUB Review Timeline
What is a Complete Communities Assessment?
Part of Phase 1 of the OCP/LUB update was the Complete Communities Assessment, and it took place in the Fall and Winter of 2024. The assessment included a grant-funded Complete Communities Assessment, in accordance with the UBCM Guide. This assessment aims to identify gaps in the communities completeness, through various lenses including Transportation, Housing, Amenities, and the Environment. Learn more about the Complete Communities Assessment here.
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Contact Chris Buchan, Island Planner: