Current Applications

This page includes current rezoning applications, as well as other significant applications. For a complete list of all open applications and their status, see the most current Local Trust Committee agenda package (found through a search for upcoming meetings on the Meetings and Events page). In the agenda package view the ‘Applications with Status Report’ which can be found within the ‘Reports’ section.

SA-ALR-2023.1 (Hall)

Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) exclusion application submitted by the Islands Trust to the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) on behalf of the property owner to exclude a 12 hectare portion of land from the ALR. This is part of a ALR exclusion/inclusion proposal brought forward by the property owner. The parcels proposed for inclusion/exclusion are located on located on Narvaez Bay Road with the PID numbers 004-521-889 (exclusion property) and 015-692-205 (inclusion property).

  • 1 - Staff Reports
  • 2 - ALC Application Documents - Updated
  • 3 - Public Correspondence - none - see PH binder for submissions
  • 4 - Community Consultation - none
  • 5 - Professional Reports
  • 6 - Public Hearing Binder

SA-RZ-2023.2 (Thachuk)

The joint property owners of 100 and 101 Payne Road are seeking to rezone the subject property to allow for an additional dwelling density to be added. Currently, the shared property has a single primary dwelling and an accessory cottage which are lived in by separate families, and these families are now seeking to separate their financial/property obligations to ensure their estate planning is properly taken care of.

  • 1 - Staff Reports
  • 2 - Proposed Bylaws
  • 3 - Public Correspondence - none
  • 4 - Community Consultation - none
  • 5 - Public Hearing Binder

Temporary Use Permits (TUPs) applications